Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Pedigree Analysis of Cystic Fibrosis Inheritance Essay Sample free essay sample
Family investigation should be possible so as to locate the opportunity of a posterity acquiring a particular cistron. like that of cystic fibrosis. In the given movement. since a friend’s cousin has cystic fibrosis. so it tends to be found that their broad parent can simply be a heterozygous (Milliliter) or conveyor of the cistron. Along these lines. it very well may be said that both of her parent conveys the allelomorph for cystic fibrosis. since none of her kin have the illness ( she and her kin are either homozygous predominant or heterozygous ) . At the point when the cistrons freely group. there can simply be three blend shaped ; it can either beCC. Ccormilliliter. Along these lines. the chance of a companion being a carrier gets 1/3 or 33. 33 % . Be that as it may. it is non learned whether she is a homozygous predominant (Milliliter) or heterozygous (Milliliter) . At that point the opportunity of her being both of those status gets 2/3 or 66. 66 % . In the occasion of her life partner . We will compose a custom exposition test on Family Analysis of Cystic Fibrosis Inheritance Essay Sample or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page who has a sister that have cystic fibrosis. it tends to be said that he can be either a typical individual ( homozygous prevailing ) or a conveyor ( heterozygous ) . since both of his parent can simply be a conveyor of the sickness. What's more, the chance of him being either a carrier or a non is other than 2/3 or 66. 66 % . In Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment. isolation of cistrons can be resolved using general guidelines of possibility. Chance of two free occasions can be controlled by increasing the opportunity ( Campbell. 2000. p. 246 ) . In this manner. the possibility of each accomplice ( 2/3 ) duplicated by the opportunity of the cistron look ( 1/4 ) . will give a 1/9 possibility or 11. 11 % . Given the opportunity of go throughing on the attributes to the offspring ( 1/9 or 11. 11 % ) . it would at present be smarter to be overabundance mindful and look for guidance from clinical master when get bringing down up a family. Broad investigates are being done to fight those savage cistrons known. like that of Huntington’s illness. Associations, for example, Scottish Huntington’s Association has been back uping in doing the disclosure in happening the solution for such infection ( Lamont. 2008 ) . Notices Campbell. N. . Reece. J. . A ; Lawrence. M. ( 2000 ) .Biology5Thursdayerectile brokenness. Singapore: Pearson Education Asia Pte Ltd. Scots Huntington’s Association. ( 2008 ) .Why Effective Therapies are Possibleby Don Lamont. Recovered March 7. 2008. from hypertext move convention:/www. hdscotland. organization/Research % 20Updates. htm
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care Practice and Policy Essay
Moral and Legal Issues in Health Care Practice and Policy - Essay Example question of fetus removal, maybe one of the most dubious points in the field, has consistently been a topic of conversation, given its complex legitimate and moral ramifications, pitting social insurance experts against one another and against individuals from people in general. Though it might be legitimate for human services specialists to play out a fetus removal today, other social insurance experts and individuals from the open despite everything think of it as deceptive to do as such, accordingly making a moral quandary in the field (Wallace, Wiegand and Warren 1997, p.586). Aside from that, other moral difficulties rise toward the finish of life point, when social insurance experts need to settle on the basic choice of turning off the life-bolster machines to allow passing to happen. As though that isn't sufficient, the issues of privacy, understanding/expert relationship just as issues to do with assent as in the treatment of underage patients regularly present various moral problems to human services experts (Greenwood, 2014). This paper investigates the moral and legitimate issues that are pertinent to medicinal services practice and approach while consolidating basic utilization of chose hypothetical viewpoints relevant to morals in wellbeing. Significant moral contentions and lawful points of view will be applied to a particular practice circumstance concerning the grown-up learning hypothesis of Knowles (1990). Inevitably, this paper will investigate the issue identified with moral and legitimate issues in human services consolidating proficient body direction (NMC code) and lawful acts, just as the perspectives on scholars and savants. The term â€Å"ethics†has been conceptualized as â€Å"social values†, â€Å"morals†or â€Å"principles†that empower individuals in recognizing the satisfactory and unsatisfactory social conduct (Corning 2002, p.6); moral qualities structure the reason for social association since they are profoundly dug in individuals. Human services experts need to know moral measures or standards and the expert
Monday, August 17, 2020
The Importance of Office Hours
The Importance of Office Hours With my entry into the University of Illinois as a transfer student, I came in prepared to work hard and do my best to gain as much knowledge as the university could give me. However, there was one aspect I overlooked. It was the importance of office hours. Whether they are with teachers assistants or with the professor themselves, office hours reflect where I spend a majority of my time doing schoolwork. First of all, these ever-so-important hours are a big help for the new style of college assignments, which require much more outside knowledge and a typical nudge to get one working in the right direction. Without the aide of those working the office at the time, I do not believe I would finish all of my homework for the week due to leftover loose ends in work, long forgotten subject topics such as trigonometry, and the possible misuse/misunderstanding of a new topic, such as relativity in physics. These office hours allow me to tie up the loose ends with a professional in an efficient amount of time to not only help get my work done and study for a class, but to keep my other classes from suffering due to the lack of time I would have without the lack of office hours. For example, this week I was able to have work done on Sunday that was due this Friday. Now I have plenty of time to finish my Physics 225, ACES 210, and ACES 179 homework during the entire week where I have time to ask for help in their office hours if needed. This is a big help because now I have a safety net against difficult or not so clear homework. Office hours in the greatest sense provide the best output with homework because when you complete work during that period, with the help of a regarded official, you know you are doing the activity in the proper way and benefit the most from studying that activity both from physically doing the work and mentally hearing more reasoning behind the work. Office hours are a blessing behind a highly overlooked on-campus title. Jacob Class of 2018 I am a transfer student studying Engineering Physics in the College of Engineering. I started with the Illinois Engineering Pathways program through the College of DuPage. I am from Naperville, Illinois.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Presentation of Petruchio by Shakespeare in The Taming...
The Presentation of Petruchio by Shakespeare in The Taming of the Shrew In addition to being the title of one of Shakespeares earliest comedies, The Taming of the Shrew was also the self appointed role and paramount purpose of one of its main characters, Petruchio. Shakespeare presents this central character in a variety of ways and care must be taken so that early unfavourable impressions of Petruchio may not be misleading. What did Shakespeare want his audience to think about this apparent fortune hunter? Is this man from Verona a heartless tyrant or just a strongly masculine figure, confident but perceptive, who has met his equal in the feisty Katherina? The plot has been revealed in Scene†¦show more content†¦He is quite specific in his affirmation of his purpose to get married to a wealthy woman. According to him it does not matter what she looks like or how she is reputed to behave and he uses examples of ugly, old, bad-tempered women from Greek mythology to emphasise his point. As far marriage is concerned, Petruchio states that: If wealthily, then happily in Padua. (Act 1, Scene 2, line 73) Indeed when Hortensio says; I would not wed her for a mine of gold, (Act 1, Scene 2, line 88) Petruchio replies; Hortensio, peace. Thou knowst not golds effect (Act 1, Scene 2, line 89). He goes on to confidently predict: For I will board her though she chide as loud As thunder when the clouds in autumn crack. (Act 1, Scene 1, lines 91/92). This unfavourable impression is reinforced by his servant Grumio, who comments that Katherinas scolding will have little effect on Petruchio, but rather encourage him to scold her back in such a way as to force her to shield her claws. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦She may perhaps call him half a score knaves or so - why, thats nothing. And he begin once, hell rail in his rope-tricks. Ill tell you what, sir, and she stand him but a little, he will throw a figure in her face and so disfigure her with it that she shall have no more eyes to see withal than a cat. (Act 1, SceneShow MoreRelatedShakespeares Presentation of the Female Character in the Taming of the Shrew1503 Words  | 7 PagesShakespeares Presentation of the Female Character in the Taming of the Shrew Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew explores the role of women in Elizabethan times. Shakespeare uses many themes and imagery in the play and this essay intends to explore how Shakespeare presents the female character in the Taming of the Shrew. The Elizabethans believed that a peaceful and tamed house wife was a good wife. This view is supported by The goodie and the Baddie an ElizabethanRead MoreGender Roles During Elizabethan Society1099 Words  | 5 Pagesand Petruchio’s marriage fits this perfectly. Petruchio had just arrived in Padua in search of a wife; however, it had to be a wealthy woman with a large dowry. Many men warn him about Kate; however, he ignores the warnings, blinded by thoughts of wealth as well as having Baptista’s promise of a large dowry: â€Å"After my death, the one half of all my lands, And in possession, twenty thousand crowns (Act 2, Scene 1, Shakespeare; (Folger, 4).†When Petruchio meets Kate, she treats him horribly; howeverRead MoreShakespeares Presentation of Power in the The Taming of the Shrew1475 Words  | 6 PagesShakespeares Presentation of Power in the The Taming of the Shrew Power is defined as ‘the ability to act or control,’ and it is evident from the title that a ‘shrew’ is going to be tamed, i.e. it will be controlled. The shrew turns out to be a woman called ‘Katherina.’ I think he reason Shakespeare has a women as the shrew is to prove that controlling women didn’t get very far. It was a male dominated world. Whilst reading the play we come to learn that the shrew is a lady Read MoreKatherine and Bianca in William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew1844 Words  | 8 PagesBianca in William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew Shakespeares Taming of the Shrew shows two sisters: Katherina and Bianca, as two complete contrasts to each other. He used various techniques to achieve these effects. The same techniques are used for both sisters to show comparisons between their characters. Shakespeare created two different characters by making the outcome of the techniques very different from each other. Shakespeare has used the theme of deceptionRead More The Significance of Gender Roles in Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew and Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin in the Sun2574 Words  | 11 Pagestime certain elements remain consistent. Two authors who wrote in radically different time periods, William Shakespeare and Lorraine Hansberry, wrote plays that pose a threat to expected and traditional gender roles. The Taming of the Shrew (1623) is an example of an earlier work, which involves characters that manage to defeat their expected roles by acting out of the ordinary. A shrew, which is literally defined as either a small rodent-like animal or a woman with a harsh and nagging temperamentRead More William Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew Essay3149 Words  | 13 PagesWilliam Shakespeares The Taming of the Shrew Over the past 400 or so years since Shakespeare wrote _The Taming of the Shrew_, many writers, painters, musicians and directors have adapted and reformed this play of control and subjugation into timeless pieces of art. In _10 Things I Hate About You_ and Kiss Me Kate from two very different times in the twentieth century, and paintings of Katherina and Bianca from the late nineteenth century, the creators of these adaptations have chosen to focusRead More Much Ado About Nothing Essay: Love Found and Conflict Resolved1972 Words  | 8 PagesLove Found and Conflict Resolved in Much Ado About Nothing      Much Ado About Nothing is a lighthearted play that Shakespeare wrote between 1598 and 1600. It has been described as one of his more mature romantic comedies (Bevington, 216). This play focuses on two different relationships, formed by two pairs of lovers. The comparison between how people went about getting married back then and how they do it now is similar in some ways. Much Ado About Nothing portrays the manner in which
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Original Writing Of Walt Disney World - 1128 Words
As I was riding on the bus from my hotel on the way to the most magical place on earth, I could hear the sounds of happiness flowing through the speakers. The bus driver played tunes so soothing, yet so exciting. Children were playing, laughing, and screaming; they could barely contain their excitement. As an adult I wanted to act the same way, instead I sat there watching out the window, palms sweating and smiling big. Finally arriving at the entrance of Walt Disney World there is an intense rush of people, pushing, shoving and running through crowds trying to get in the park faster than the next family. The first thing you walk upon when entering Magic Kingdom is the Main Street, USA. Beautiful buildings tower over you as you walk down†¦show more content†¦Circling the statue the park breaks off into its many different â€Å"themed lands.†I remember looking in every direction trying to decide where to start. I decided on the right, walking under this big futuristic sign that says â€Å"Tomorrow land.†Tomorrow land was designed to give visions of the future. Everything was built with a silver and blue metal design. As I walked in I saw the Monsters from Monsters Inc., Stitch from Lilo and Stitch, and Buzz Light-year. This area contains several different rides, Space Mountain, Blue Line, and The Carousel of Progress, just to name a few. My family and I continued exploring , as we made it around, the futuristic design started turning into bright, fun and cartoon like features. We arrived in the next themed land over, the place called â€Å"Fantasy Land.†This place was designed very children oriented, based off of original Disney movies like, â€Å"The Little Mermaid,†â€Å"Winnie the Pooh,†â€Å"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,†and several more. As adults that does not mean we cannot have fun either. We first spot an ice cream stand and with sweat running down our cheeks from the excruciating Florida heat we quickly head in that direction. I asked for a Mickey Ice Cream, a delicious chocolate and vanilla ice cream shaped as Mickey’s head. The ice cream instantly sends chills through my body and cools off my over-heated skin. I remember going from ride to ride having a
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why Have Nuclear Weapons Not Been Used in Conflict Since 1945 Free Essays
string(202) " less nuclear capable states, there is a fear amongst deterrence supporters one state could use nuclear weapons to enhance their position as an international actor, and cause more war in doing so\[8\]\." Why have nuclear weapons not been used in conflict since 1945? Nuclear weapons have only ever been used once in human history, and that was during World War II when The United States deployed missiles on Japanese territory, in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. At the time of bombing in 1945 only the USA had developed nuclear weapons, whilst today the pool of states consisting of nuclear weapons is still extremely small, with only nine states laying claim to nuclear technology and weaponry. This nuclear proliferation is explained by Darryl Howlett who explains this as the worldwide spread of nuclear weapons. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Have Nuclear Weapons Not Been Used in Conflict Since 1945? or any similar topic only for you Order Now For Howlett states are nuclear driven because of the ‘strategic, political and prestige benefits’ attached to nuclear weapons[1]. In the modern world the mass media are often critical about nuclear weapons and the threats they pose for society, but this begs the question; why have nuclear weapons not been used in conflict since 1945? To answer this question the issues of taboo and deterrence and the arrival of virtual nuclear arsenals must be called into question, as well as theoretical ideas such as rationality from proliferation optimists and proliferation pessimists. I will also look at whether we currently live in a non-proliferation regime, and look at the alternatives for peace and nuclear non-usage. The first area of nuclear non-usage I will look at will be the arguments brought forward by proliferation pessimists and optimists. Kennitz Waltz, a proliferation optimist argues on one hand we cannot stop the spread of nuclear weapons. It’s inevitable because states seek power through nuclear weapons; even smaller, less powerful states align themselves with nuclear wielding states for protection and security. But on the other hand, Waltz argues states are rational actors, and believes nuclear weapons will be used responsibly, which is why nuclear weapons have not been used. For Waltz, more states who have nuclear weapons, the better. Waltz writes, â€Å"A blatant offensive is madness. Nuclear weapons and states that acquire them will reduce the chances of war and lower the intensity of war. †[2] For Waltz this provides deterrence from the threat of nuclear weapons. If this is the case, it would explain why nuclear weapons were used in the first place; there simply was no deterrence against the United States in Japan. Arguing against the optimists, Proliferation pessimists have another answer for the non-usage of nuclear weapons. Scott D. Sagen, proliferation pessimist has contradictory views of the state, believing states could be irrational, especially when militaristic figures take over decision making. Sagen argues all military have â€Å"organisational behaviour†[3] where by military figures are more likely to resort to nuclear warfare, and for a few who dare to venture, there is always an issue with miscalculation. Sagen argues the only reason nuclear weapons haven’t been used is because there hasn’t been a war worth using them in. For Sagen disarmament is a means of ending the possibility of a nuclear threat. Furthermore, my next point explores the idea and theory surrounding the concept of taboo as a reason why nuclear weapons haven’t been used since 1945. Taboo is a concept coined by Nina Tanenwald, and it means the ‘tradition of non-use’, in this case nuclear weapons have become stigmatised[4]. For Tanenwald deterrence alone doesn’t explain why nuclear weapons haven’t been used; Deterrence works though in Tanenwald’s view, but only when working side by side with taboo. With nuclear weapons there are moral, ethical and political costs attached, with Tanenwald stating that a â€Å"â€Å"moral norm†proscribing the use of nuclear weapons developed during the decades after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks†[5] when talking about the moral issues of nuclear weapons. World opinion is also the biggest political constraint, with many people feeling politically and ethically united against the usage of nuclear attacks. In addition the norms and values of a society wielding nuclear weapons also matters, with South Africa an example of nuclear disarmament because of social and ethical efforts made by their people. Possibly the biggest example of taboo was during the nineteen year Vietnam War. Nina Tanenwald argues that nuclear were not used, which is obviously true, but using nuclear artillery was heavily discussed by United States forces. Three American presidents, Lyndon B. Johnson, John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, all in power during the Vietnam War chose not to use nuclear force. Tanenwald believes it is the moral, ethical and political factors, the taboo effect which proves non-use of nuclear weapons. Furthermore the concept of taboo and deterrence working together comes from theorist Henry Kissinger who was the Secretary of State under the Richard Nixon administration during the Vietnam War and played a huge roll in United States foreign policy. In his book ‘Diplomacy’, Kissinger writes, â€Å"Never have the military gap between the superpower and non-nuclear state been greater. Never was it best likely to be invoked. [6] Tanenwald would suggest Taboo was working in the concept of Deterrence with Kissinger’s words, possibly signalling the importance of taboo as a reason for nuclear non-use since 1945. The third argument for the absence of nuclear weapons since 1945 is through the concept of deterrence. Deterrence is the measures taken by a state or an alliance of multiple states to prevent hostile action by another, in this case through nuclear weapons. Colin Gray is one theorist who believes because of deterrence nuclear weapons are not used because they are not rational. According to Gray, taboo holds no truth, so argues against the ideas of Nina Tanenwald fiercely, with Gray going on to say that â€Å"it’s too clever†[7] to retaliate from a nuclear missile, so states are deterred from doing so in the first place. Gray and deterrence supporters are worried that if people begin believing in the truth of taboo, states might feel obliged to disarm nuclear artillery, which could prove even more fatal as it will disrupt the balance of power, especially between larger nations. With less nuclear capable states, there is a fear amongst deterrence supporters one state could use nuclear weapons to enhance their position as an international actor, and cause more war in doing so[8]. You read "Why Have Nuclear Weapons Not Been Used in Conflict Since 1945?" in category "Essay examples" In this case, weapons are used as the ultimate form of deterrence, one which maintains the balance of power and eliminates the threat of nuclear strikes. The next area of discussion is the arrival of virtual nuclear arsenals (VNA’s). According to Michael Mazaar virtual nuclear arsenals are where you store and reconstruct nuclear weapons[9]. When looking at why these have helped prolong the nuclear non-use, virtual nuclear arsenals are important because they eliminate the threat of miscalculation or an accidental bombing. Secondly by having deconstructed weapons, you can store each individual part separately, which means your weapons are harder to steal as they are stored in unknown locations. Mazaar argues that nuclear weapons haven’t been used because VNA’s act as a deterrent from attack. No one will strike your territory with a nuclear missile it they know at some point down the line there will be a retaliation from a VNA[10]. This means the advantages of having nuclear missiles is weakened because state and military actors are deterred from using nuclear weapons. Ashley J. Tellis backs up this argument brought forward by Mazaar, stating that because of VNA’s, India and Pakistan, two countries with a war-torn history have been deterred from ‘employing nuclear destruction upon one another and mankind’[11], because each state uses VNA’s, showing that virtual nuclear arsenals have successfully helped stop the use of nuclear weapons since 1945. The debate of virtual nuclear arsenals is continued and furthered by theorist John Schell, who looks at how weaponless deterrence limits nuclear action. For Schell no nuclear strikes have occurred because by constructing a nuclear weapon deterrence would persist, and VNA’s could be built to counter nuclear missiles. Schell famously quotes â€Å"Missile deters missile, bomber deters bomber, submarine deters submarine†¦ Factory deters factory, blueprint deters blueprint, equation deters equation. [12] In this sense, weaponless deterrence acts as a good strategic form of defence from nuclear attacks, and further explains why nuclear weapons haven’t been used in conflict since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many would now argue that we live in times of a nuclear non-proliferation regime, which is the limitation of nuclear activity, brought forward by the ‘Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty’ (NPT). As many states oppose nuclear weapons, even states with these weapo ns are often opposed, the NPT, a treaty with 189 state members acts as a treaty to stop the spread and possible use of nuclear weapons. The treaty was adopted in 1970 and is considered a three pillar system, focusing on non-proliferation, disarmament and the right to peacefully use nuclear technology, and every five years the treaty is reviewed. It’s worth noting that five nuclear states (The USA, Russia, France, The United Kingdom and China), who collectively make up the permanent members UN security council are all signed up to this treaty. The argument could be made that because of the current NPT regime nuclear eapons pose little and limited threat, and instead of owning nuclear technology for possible war and destruction, rather the emphasis of war has been slowed down to focus on technological improvements with nuclear technology, which could explain why nuclear weapons have not been used since 1945. In conclusion nuclear weapons do pose a serious threat to humanity, but as I’ve outlined because of taboo, and deterrence there are too much political and ethical issues attached. Virtual nuclear arse nals now mean nuclear weapons have a secure hiding place, and the possibility of an unexpected VNA strike is deterring people from using weapons. Others such as Waltz argue that humans and states as are rational and nuclear weapons will be used responsibly, which is the case with the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, but others such as Sagen argue that we can’t trust states with nuclear decision making and our future is going to be compromised by the elite few who will one day exterminate the human race. But with each day that passes, do nuclear weapons still scare people? Maybe the only war nuclear weapons will become prominent once more and the real issue and effects of nuclear weapons will only become important if one is used. The alternatives for peace are already here. No, we cannot eliminate nuclear weapons, but with VNA’s the concept of deterrence and taboo, as well as people becoming more rational and aware of the disaster nuclear weapons potentially bring, the safest option, is to hold on to what we have, which is the reminder in Nagasaki and Hiroshima of the damage and destruction that is caused and keep these weapons as a learning tool for the future. Word count: 2079 BIBLIOGRAPHY Gray, C. S. , (2005) ‘Another Bloody Century: Future Warfare’ (London: Weidenfeld Nicolson) Howlett, Darryl ‘Nuclear Proliferation’ in John Baylis and Steve Smith, The Globalisation of World Politics (Oxford: OUP, 2001, second edition) Kissinger, H. (1994) â€Å"Diplomacy†(New York: Simon Schuster) Mazarr, Michael J. , (1995) ‘Virtual nuclear arsenals’, Survival 37:3, pp. 7-26 Sagan, S. D. , (1994) ‘The perils of proliferation: organisation, theory, deterrence theory and the spread of nuclear weapons’, International Security 18(4): 66-107 (E-Journal). Schell, J. , (1984) The Abolition (London: Pan Books) Tannenwald, N. (1999) ‘The Nuclear Taboo: The United States and the Normative Basis of Nuclear Non-use’ International Organization 53(3): 433-48 Tellis, A. J (2001) India’s Emerging Nuclear Posture (Santa Monica: RAND) Waltz, K. N. (1981) ‘The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: More May Better’ Adelphi Papers, 171. Available at: http://www. mtholyoke. edu/acad/intrel/waltz1. htm â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] Howlett, Darryl ‘Nuclear Proliferation’ in John Baylis and Steve Smith, The Globalisation of World Politics (Oxford: OUP, 2001, second edition) [2] Waltz, K. N. (1981) ‘The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: More May Better’ Adelphi Papers, 171. Available at: http://www. mtholyoke. edu/acad/intrel/waltz1. htm [3] Sagan, S. D. , (1994) ‘The perils of proliferation: organisation, theory, deterrence theory and the spread of nuclear weapons’, International Security 18(4): 66-107 (E-Journal). [4] Tannenwald, N. , (1999) ‘The Nuclear Taboo: The United States and the Normative Basis of Nuclear Non-use’ International Organization 53(3): 433-48 [5] Tannenwald, N. , (1999) ‘The Nuclear Taboo: The United States and the Normative Basis of Nuclear Non-use’ International Organization [6] Kissinger, H. 1994) â€Å"Diplomacy†(New York: Simon Schuster) [7] Gray, C. S. , (2005) ‘Another Bloody Century: Future Warfare’ (London: Weidenfeld Nicolson) [8] Gray, C. S. , (2005) ‘Another Bloody Century: Future Warfare’ (London: Weidenfeld Nicolson) [9] Mazarr, Michael J. , (1995) ‘Virtual nuclear arsenals’, Survival 37:3, pp. 7-26 [10] Mazarr, Michael J. , (1995 ) ‘Virtual nuclear arsenals’, Survival 37:3, pp. 29-92 [11] Tellis, A. J (2001) India’s Emerging Nuclear Posture (Santa Monica: RAND) [12] Schell, J. , (1984) The Abolition (London: Pan Books) How to cite Why Have Nuclear Weapons Not Been Used in Conflict Since 1945?, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Doll House Essay Research Paper Social Criticism free essay sample
Doll House Essay, Research Paper Social Criticism in A Doll? s House In A Doll? s House, Ibsen as he frequently does, knock society and the ways of life in that clip. Ibsen shows this in Torvold? s overpowering power and control over Nora. This is besides seen in the manner that Women are weakened by society. Lastly it is shown in the manner that Torvold tries to keep a good repute to the populace. Ibsen critics many different facets of society from the manner that the male figure is so dominant in matrimony, following how the adult female does non hold much of a function in society, and eventually how repute is more of import than ethical motives. First is the manner that the matrimony between Torvold and Nora is put to dishonor due to the overmastering actions of Torvold. One illustration of Torvold? s laterality was his ban of macaroons in the house. We will write a custom essay sample on Doll House Essay Research Paper Social Criticism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another was the manner that he dressed her for the Costume party. All this clip Nora had reasonably much been loyal and listened to all of what Torvold had said, and so the one clip that Torvold cold have been loyal to Nora and believed her and been on her side he didn? T and alternatively was believing about himself. This shows how much of a nonreversible matrimony it was and how it was a mock on society, chiefly the ways of the upper category. Following is the unfavorable judgment of the function of the adult females in society. It was fundamentally a clip where the adult female could non make anything for herself. An illustration of this from the book is the loan that Nora took out to salvage Torvold? s life. Nora could non take out the loan herself due to the fact that she was a adult females and lone work forces could take out loans, a adult females could merely take out a loan if they had the consent of a hubby or a male parent. Due to the fact that she was making this for Torvold she went in front and forged the paperss cognizing that it was incorrect and could stop up acquiring her into problem. This was a entire jeer on society due to fact that even though Nora was making this to salvage the life of her hubby she non merely was non aloud to make it but so Torvold found out he was non happy she saved his life but huffy about what it could make to him. Therefore demoing the really weak function of adult females in soc iety by stating that Torvold would hold instead died so hold a adult females save him. Last is the thought that in the upper category of society the most of import portion of your life is how others portray you, conveying me to my following subject which is how Torvold # 8217 ; s repute was more of import than his household life and ethical motives. As was sad before Nora had been really loyal to him for the old ages of their matrimony and so when it came to the point where Torvold could return the favour to Nora by supporting her and he was more concerned with doing certain it doesn? t acquire out so that his repute would non be ruined. Ibsen is knocking the societal ways in this state of affairs due to the superficiality of the upper category in covering with this kind of job. Another writer that criticizes society in his work is Harper Lee. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird Lee does a great occupation at seting down and mocking society. The difference between Ibsen # 8217 ; s unfavorable judgment and Lee unfavorable judgment was that while Ibsen focused on the upper category, Lee? s unfavorable judgment is focused more towards the lower category. An illustration of unfavorable judgment in the novel is the manner that a black individual of that clip and topographic point was unjustly accused of a offense merely because the colour of his tegument, and even if their was grounds to back up and turn out him innocent the jury of all white work forces would likely convict him one time once more because the colour of his tegument. This besides brings up the fact that even though Atticus Finch was a attorney and it was his occupation to support the suspect, he was still pressured by the white community even to the point where his life was threatened merely for m aking his occupation. Although this is merely a couple illustrations of unfavorable judgment it gives a similar thought to that of Ibsen, being that society is full of defects and the merely they can be changed is by unfavorable judgment to seek to link to the societal ways and alter them. In decision Ibsen criticizes a broad scope of societal issues of the clip. Now although there are three different illustrations of his unfavorable judgment at that place seems to be a relationship between the three, and that is the fact that they are all mocking the ways of the upper category. From holding a sham and overmastering nonreversible matrimony to being forge to continue 1s repute to the missing function of adult females in society Ibsen manage to make a good occupation of mocking the ways of life so. Finally even though it was likely non merely the upper category for the interest of statements we will state that it was and the illustrations and statements that I have presented all lead to one thing and that is that the upper category in society is non merely forge in their actions, and to the point of the adult females? s axial rotation to be so minuscule, but besides really concerned with others sentiments.
Monday, March 30, 2020
37 Blog Post Ideas for New Freelance Writers
Coming up with blog post ideas can be hard when its your job! Freelance writers often have to come up with blog topics and pitch their ideas to their clients or editors. And to top it all off, if you have a blog or personal blog – which every freelance writer should – having fresh ideas can take a toll. Ive been freelance writing for a little over a year now and I have over 20+ clients, two blogs I write and manage and two other blogs where I guest contribute. So, you can say there are days when Im totally unable to come up with a blog post idea and Im scrambling. Does that happen to you? You land several clients in your niche and now you have to come up with three topic ideas in the same niche! While the best clients are the ones that give you free range to pitch ideas and come up with your own topics – for me – these clients can be more time consuming. So, to make sure Im working smarter and not harder, Ive thought of 37 blog post ideas for your clients or for your blog. Bookmark this post and refer back to it for more inspiration! 1. Use Title Generators I dont know about you, but if I read headlines in my niche, this is enough to get the creative juices flowing and help me come up with several topics very easily. The best title generator that gives you oodles and oodles of ideas is the Tweak Your Biz Title Generator. Just enter your topic, let it know if its a noun or verb and hit submit. Heres my result for email marketing. You can write great blog posts just by look through these headlines: 10 Effective Ways to Get More Out of Your Email Marketing Email Marketing Doesnt Have to Be Hard – Read These 10 Tips 10 Creative Ways You Can Improve Your Email Marketing Tweak Your Biz isnt the only headline generator. Others include Portent and SEOPressor. 2. Look At Your Archive If youre struggling coming up with blog post ideas for your blog, go through your archive. See what you have already written. This can give you ideas about any holes or gaps you might have missed. For example, I know for this blog, I havent done a post on tools for freelance writers. Ive realized that a lot of new freelance writers arent aware of what tools to use for your business. This is something I could talk about on this blog. For your clients, if their blog has many posts, go through them and see if you can add a new perspective to older content. For me, since I guest post on FreelancerFAQs – a site I manage and own – I often look at old posts on this blog and use that to help me write a post on FAQs. For example, I wrote 6 Foolproof Marketing Tips to Help You Become a Better Freelance Writer on this blog. For FreelancerFAQs, I ended up writing a post called, How Do I Promote Myself as a Freelance Writer? While both posts talk about marketing yourself, each one is unique and provides lots of different tips. 3. Look at Competitors Blogs Dont think no one does this! The best bloggers and freelance writers always grabs an idea or two from competitors in their niche or clients niche. For example, with this blog, since Im writing about freelance writing mostly, Ill look to The Write Life, FreelancerFAQs, Be a Freelance Blogger and even hit up personal freelance writers blogs like Lauren Tharp for ideas. I remember looking at this title on The Write Life and thinking I can do a post on that subject.For one of my ghostwriting clients, I often have to look at other blogs in their niche to draft up some topics for the month. It doesnt take long, but its a lot easier to do this than to come up with completely original ideas, because if you already dont know, most blog post ideas have been recycled. 4. Read Posts in Your Niche Part of being a freelance writer is knowing the top trends going on in your niche. This helps you learn any new products, tools or applications that your client might like you reporting on their blog. Since Im in the digital marketing niche I often try to read a post or two from the following blogs: Neil Patel QuickSprout Twelveskip Smart Blogger Hubspot Unbounce Kissmetrics I dont do it all the time, but when I have some time Ill check out these sites and go through their blog and find some good reading material. 5. Take a New Angle on a Known Topic As I mentioned before, most everyone has written about all the topics in your niche. Its hard to find something no one has heard of. What you can do instead, is provide a new angle on a known topic or something thats been written about before from many people. For example, for the freelance writing niche, I know theres been talk about displaying your rates on your site. Most say that its better to display them since you wont get any low-ball offers and youll end up attracting your ideal client. So, why not flip that around and write a post on Not Posting Your Rates Makes You More Money. Its a new angle on a known topic. 6. Start a New Blog! Wh-what? Why would starting a new blog give you more ideas? A new blog MEANS you NEED more ideas. Well I disagree. I dont know about you, but Im a creative person. Thats why I love doing images for my blogs and clients and thats why I am a freelance writer. I recently started a new blog called TwinsMommy. Its not a mommy blogging site where all I talk about are my twins. Its actually a work from home site for moms that want to go from mom to mompreneur. Its in a similar niche as freelance writing, but its much broader. And you know what? I have about twenty blog post ideas for that blog already. And, because of all that creative juice flowing, I have several ideas for this blog too! So, why not start a new blog? 7. Turn an Infographic Into a Blog Post Go to Pinterest and search for infographics. Heres one on branding. Use this to inspire you and write your own branding post to help freelance writers, entrepreneurs, small businesses etc.. 8. Turn a Podcast Into a Blog Post Just like you can use inforgraphics to help you come up with blog post ideas, you can also use podcasts. Little Zotz has done podcasts on freelance writing. Listen to some of those and use what youre learning from those podcasts to help you come up with a blog post idea for your blog. 9. Turn a Video Into a Blog Post Finally, check out some YouTube videos of bloggers in your niche. You can get loads of great blog post ideas for your blog and your clients blog. Freelancer Lizzie Davey has a YouTube channel for her Wanderful World blog. Her videos talk about freelancing in general. Looking to other freelancers YouTube channels or bloggers/marketers in your niche can help you generate tons of blog post ideas. 10. Do a Case Study People love learning from others. If youre successful at what you are doing, plenty of people want in on how you were able to achieve this. What better way to explain your process then with a case study on your blog or even your clients blog? Over on one of my clients blog, I wrote a post about my email marketing sales funnel. I pitched them my idea and they said go ahead. Over on my TwinsMommy blog Im doing a case study on growing that blog. Im going to do monthly reports on generating more traffic, readers and money from TwinsMommy. Thats a post every month, which leaves me with one less idea to come up for my monthly content schedule. 11. Use Entertainment for Blog Post Ideas Its important as freelance writers to do more than just write! Watch a movie, follow a TV show, read a book or listen to the news. By doing this you can draw from those types of entertainment and relate it to your industry. Course student Kate and shared on her blog how The Walking Dead relates to Freelance Writing.Want another example? Heres Francesca Nicasios post on her blog, Be a Freelance Writer, talking about how the show How I Met Your Mother can teach you about finding clients. Do you have a favorite TV show, book, sports team, movie or actress you can use to create a blog post in your niche? 12. Use BuzzSumo or Quora For Ideas To use these tools, you first need a keyword or general idea of what you want to write about. So, for example, if one of your clients is in the app business, then finding topics around that particular app or apps in general will help you out. Over at BuzzSumo, I typed in best apps for parents and got this result: From the results there are several topic ideas I can use for my clients. Quora works in a similar way. Instead of typing in a keyword, you ask a question. If you need information on productivity tools Quora can help you. 13. Do a Project Wrap-Up Post Your readers are interested in what you do. So why not treat them with a post on where youre writing or where you are published? Doing an end of the month wrap-up post on where youve been published is a great way to inspire other writers and to let prospects know you are in demand. On this blog Ive written two posts on where Ive been writing. Freelance writer Sharon Hurley Hall does a Blogging Portfolio on her blog. And Katharine Paljug has done monthly wrap-ups over on her freelance blog. 14. Post a Question on Facebook Facebook is a great place to generate lots of blog post ideas. I belong to several entrepreneur FB groups, small business FB groups and freelance writing groups. The other day I posted this question and got some great responses that helped me see what new writers are struggling with. 15. Use Real Life for Your Blog Post There are many ways to use your own life as a muse for your blog. If you have children, pets, wacky family members, or you are a part of a gym or class, you can use that for inspiration. For example, I was able to score a paid gig from a free guest post. I thought that was a cool thing and that other new writers would benefit from my story. So, I made a post on how I was able to turn a guest post into a paid gig. 16. Broaden Your Niche Your niche is too focused! How many posts on blogging or freelance writing can you write about? Theres going to be a time when youve written about all there is in a niche. What do you do? Well, you broaden your niche. For me, this blog is purely about helping new freelance writers. But, again, theres only so much I can write about that relates to brand new freelance writers. But, you know what? I can also write about blogging in general (like this post here) or writing techniques ( like my editing process post) or freelancing in general. While its ideal to stick to ONE niche, its more than okay to broaden it and include related topics. This will help make your blog live longer! 17. Condense a Series Did you do a series for your client or on your blog? Ive done a couple series on this blog and whats great is that I can take a series, condense it and create a new post. Thats what I did with my Freelance Writing Jobs for Newbies series. I created a new post, The Complete Guide to Getting Started Freelance Writing From Scratch. While the information in my guide is different than my series, its based on that series since the topic is about getting started freelance writing. So, if you have a series on your blog, take a look at it and see if you can condense it to make one big post. 18. Do a List Post Listicles are easy to do and people seem to love them. My 20 Ways to Find Freelance Writing Jobs as a Beginner has over 45,000 shares! Clients like list posts because its highly shareable. So, dont be afraid to write list posts for your blog or your clients, especially if their end goal is to generate more traffic and leads. 19. Expand on a Post An easy way to come up with a blog topic is to find an old blog post and expand on it. Maybe now you know more about that topic or you have a new angle to share. I find that when I look back at old posts, I can see lots of areas where I can expand and create new content. For example, I wrote a post about the importance of having a writer website. Recently I had a coaching call with a writer and made some suggestions to optimize her website. As a result I wrote about it and included a case study, which just expanded on my previous post about having a writer website. Both these posts talk about your writer website, but I was able to make a new angle (attracting clients) and offered a case study on how to improve your writer website. 20. Recruit a Guest Writer Sometimes youre just too busy to write a post for your blog. You dont want to neglect your blog and, in fact, you should be treating your blog like a client. But, at the same time, you dont want to just put out a junky post. So, what do you do? Well why not ask a fellow freelance writer to write a guest post for your blog? You are still providing lots of value to your readers, and it just gives you more time to work on your client work. Recently I had one of my course participants write a guest post talking about a pitching challenge I held for my students. It was a great post on how it changed her whole freelance writing career and proved to be highly valuable for new writers. If youre short on time, enlist a blogger friend and see if they wouldnt mind contributing to your blog. 21. Write a Sequel to a Post Having themes on your blog is a good thing. If every month you follow up on the same theme, you can build a following. Maybe theres an old post youd like to re-hash. Make a sequel to it and provide even more tips and better information. Its great to recycle old blog posts and make them even better than before. 22. Take a Subheading and Turn that Into a Post Its always fun to look through old posts and see if you can turn a subheading into a blog post. Flushing out an idea is a challenge, but for freelance writers, its something that is required. Good writers can expand on topics and condense pages of books. So why not practice this skill with your blog posts? Awhile back I wrote a post on Discover These 4 Freelance Writing Mistakes That Are Costing You Clients and Cash. One subheading in that post is, Youre Not Charging Enough. I was able to flush out that idea and create a post on what to do before raising your rates. 23. Do a Behind the Scenes Post People like to learn about you. They want to see whats happening in your business. Why not let them? Ive written a post on my freelance writing business as have other bloggers like Nathan Barry or Adam Connell. Update your readers on whats going on in your business. It inspires them and helps them grow their own business. 24. Write a Goals Post This is along the same lines of an update post. Create some yearly or monthly goals and share them with your readers. Theyll appreciate it and it will help deepen the connection with them. This is what Tom Ewer of Leaving Work Behind did back in 2015. 25. Reflect on The Past Its always fun to think about how you succeeded and what you learned. For me, as a new freelance writer I learned a lot in my first year. I thought my readers would benefit on how much I grew as a writer and since I enjoy reading about other freelance writers, my readers would too. For example, Karen Marston of Untamed Writing wrote a big post on all the phases of her blog. It gives the readers a glimpse of her brand and business growth. 26. Host a Giveaway or Contest A great way to increase your email list and readership is to host some sort of giveaway or prize. Of course anything you give away will come at your expense (unless you have connections), but its a small price to pay if you want to grow your blog. Sophie Lizard over at Be a Freelance Blogger regularly holds PitchFest, which is a content for freelance writers. If you win, you earn $100! Over on FreelancerFAQs we held a giveaway as a way to generate buzz around the new site. If youre stuck on a blog post, you can always hold a contest! 27. Run a Survey Then Post on Your Blog A great way to get some blog post ideas is to just ask your readers. It can tell you a lot about what their struggles are or what their aching to find out. Writer Bryan Collins of Become a Writer Today did a survey with his readers and posted the results. Its easy to create a survey. You can use SurveyMonkey or Google Forms. 28. Review a Product or Tool Sometimes the most useful blog post is a review of a product or tool. If you find that you are familiar with Skitch or Canva or Tailwind, why not write a post about it? Maybe you took a course and want to write about it or compare it to other courses. This is what the Lazy Millennial did. They wrote a review post on my freelance writing course. 29. Write a Comprehensive Guide People love guides. If you write the ultimate guide, the complete guide or the advanced guide, your readers or your clients readers will love it and learn a lot from it. Neil Patel is known for his comprehensive guides over on QuickSprout. Why not make a complete guide or series of guides for your blog or your client? Ive written complete guides for a few of my clients as they make great content for their blog. Ashlee Anderson from Work From Home Happiness has a section for guides on her blog. 30. Do a Round-Up Post People love round-up posts. They love contributing to it and people love reading and sharing it. Tor Refsland is known for his epic round-up posts. One of his round-up has 117 contributors! Thats freaking a lot. Dont worry if you dont know even 50 people in your niche. Ive done two round up posts with less than 20 people. 31. Feature Other Blogs Your blog doesnt have to be all about you! Share the love and feature other bloggers and blogs. One popular post I did was 10 Best Sites to Help You Become a Successful Freelance Writer. 32. Do a Spotlight Series A popular way to have a full content schedule is to do a spotlight series. This means you pick one person to highlight on your blog. Lauren Tharp does a spotlight series called, People I Know and even featured me! Lorraine Reguly has, in the past, done a F.I.T.S. (Freelancer in the Spotlight) Series featuring freelancers. And I did a Confessions of a Freelance Writer series on my blog and interviewed several freelance writers I look up to. 33. Do a Seasonal Post For me, I didnt do a seasonal post for the longest time. I felt that evergreen content (content that isnt contingent on a time frame) was the best sort of content you can provide on your blog. But, lo an behold, I was running out of blog post ideas and I wanted to spend time with my family. So, I bit the bullet and wrote some seasonal posts. 5 Year End Tasks Freelance Writers Must Do My 2015 Freelance Writing Goals – Success or Fail? 5 Ways Freelance Writers Can Motivate Themselves After the Holidays And you know what? Im happy that I did. I plan to do that again next holiday. 34. Write a Post On an Obscure or Unknown Fact Maybe you found a shortcut to some complex task or found an easy way to do a typical task. I recently created a post on 2 Obscure Ways Freelance Writers Can Create Samples. I had learned some cool ways brand new freelance writers could score some clips and I wanted to share them with my readers. This idea can also be adapted for your clients. If you work with a B2B company and found some neat hack with their product, let them know and pitch that idea for their blog. 35. Write a Mistakes Post People love to read about the worst things or the top mistakes of something. Normally, people dont want to fail, so posts like these are enticing for most people. Ive done my share of mistake-type posts on this blog! 36. Write a Why You Got Started Post Its fascinating to read how successful people first got started. How did they get started and why did the choose to go that way? You can pitch this idea to your clients if you know their brand inside and out and you can do this type of post on your blog. 37. Do a Series Instead of trying to come up with a months worth of blog topics, why not think of one topic and write several posts on it? For example, Sarah Titus on her blog is doing a 52 week series on how to build your credit score. Ive Got Your Blog and Clients Blog Covered Ha, what I mean is, I covered 37 blog post ideas for you and your clients. If you write one blog post a week, thats 9 months of content Ive suggested! Do you have some more blog post ideas I didnt mention? Please share them with me! Dont forget to grab your free schedule for your blog posts. Oh, and please Pin me!
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Fairest by Gail Carson Levine Notes Essays
Fairest by Gail Carson Levine Notes Essays Fairest by Gail Carson Levine Notes Paper Fairest by Gail Carson Levine Notes Paper In front of my face when guests arrived, foolish practice, because It raised curiosity and concealed little. This part reminded me of myself because I have stupid habits. Also, I felt sad that AZ would think that she would have to hide herself or feel ashamed about what she looked like. 87 She was our ruler now! Everyone in the room and those outside knelt and swore their loyalty. I knelt, too, and she swayed against my shoulder. How could she rule? She didnt know Oratory. How frightened and grief stricken Id be in her place. This makes me feel angry but sorrow because Vii wasnt fit to be the queen, she didnt know how to rule so it wasnt fair that the country was put In such bad hands. But, I feel bad for her because she was scared to have to rule the kingdom. Also, she didnt deserve the king because she didnt love him; she Just wanted him to love her. 9-100 In Amount, at the Featherbed Inn, Where I once lived, my mother rakes up the fire. My father wakes the cook, who cannot cook today. Cream curdles; milk sours; eggs break; onions rot. My father and my mother put down their forks. In his castle, the king swallows enough but air. His life has narrowed, but his thread winds on. Should the king come to Amount, eyes wide, legs hale, mouth full of words . .. Cakes would bake themselves, mares s hoe themselves, roads pave themselves. My mother would don her damask gown. And I would sing until the sun cheered and the inn dissolved in music. : This song shows me that AZ really cares about the king and hopes he gets teeter and about Amount, the Featherbed Inn, and her family because when she put them into her song not only did it express her love, but also her sorrow. Thought this makes me wonder if everyones song were somewhat like this or if Seas was one of a kind and how Queen lavas song went and the reactions of the people at the sing. 316 At the sing I sat next to Koori, with Coho slating at attention between us. King Oscar and VII entered. The king seated himself next to me and placed VII on his other side. I tightened my grip on Coirs hand. This shows me that the king had forgiven AZ and anted to show her that and that he would keep Vii under control. Also, when AZ grabbed Coirs hand that she knew he would protect her and she would be safe with him and she loved Koori. Title: Fairest Author: Gail Carson Levine I developed the habit of holding my hand in front of my face when guests arrived, foolish practice, because it raised curiosity and concealed little. This part reminded know how to rule so it wasnt fair that the country was put in such bad hands. But, I feel bad for her because she was scared to have to rule the kingdom. Also, she didnt serve the king because she didnt love him; she Just wanted him to love her. 99-100 king come to Amount, eyes wide, legs hale, mouth full of words Cakes would bake kind and how Queen Aviss song went and the reactions of the people at the sing. 316 At the sing I sat next to Koori, with Coho sitting at attention between us. King Oscar and Vii entered. The king seated himself next to me and placed Vii on his other side. I tightened my grip on Coirs hand. This shows me that the king had forgiven AZ and grabbed Coirs hand that she knew he would protect her and she would be safe with him and she loved Koori.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Their Eyes Were Watching God - Essay Example The plot of this novel is set in a postwar era when it was difficult to accumulate wealth, but Logan still managed to offer physical security and shelter. This paper, therefore, analyses the difference between Nanny and Janie’s worldviews in relation to the theme of Love and Relationship versus independence as presented in chapter three scene. Janie perceives Nanny as a former slave who had no independence and, therefore, she would have such a perception. Her life has been characterized by hardship and poverty, and any progress to acquire material wealth has been derailed by her skin color. Therefore, according to her perception, Logan who owns his own land and has financial independency is the ideal husband she could dream of when she was still young. However, according Janie, a woman in her current age should pursue something more than material wealth from a man. She is looking for some kind of completion that offers both emotional connection and passion. Emotional and physical connections are significant in her life and inseparable from her understanding of love. This is the reason she describes Logan as â€Å"ugly†and â€Å"he doesn’t speak beautifully to her†(Hurston 27) when explain why she does not love Logan. This implies that she neither feels physical, nor intellectual, nor emotional conne ction to him. In the pursuit for physical and emotional connections to a man, she decides to run away with Jody. She believed that her real man was hiding somewhere. Janie believes â€Å"God tore down the old world every evening and build a new one by sun-up. It was wonderful to see it take the form with the sun and emerge from the gray dust of its making†(Hurston 32). This is a sign of Janie’s romantic desires. She is even ready to compromise or abandon these desires for the possibility of change. In conclusion, the conversation between Nanny and Janie, in Chapter
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4
Financial Management - Essay Example The deal was not an easy one for Google considering that the company had to put in a lot of effort for obtaining the regulatory approvals for the same (Reuters, 2012). The deal was announced at $40 per share which added up to a total of $12.5 Billion which was at a premium of 63% to the price of Motorola shares at the end of August 12, 2011. The acquisition of Motorola was aimed at protecting the viability of Google android considering the fact that Google was recently facing a threat due to patent war existing throughout the industry, due to which the major android manufacturers like HTC and Samsung were being sued by giants like Microsoft and Apple for the infringement of patents (Gaughan, 2011, p.5). Google announced that it will run Motorola as an independent business. The deal received approval from the shareholders as well as from the United States Department of Justice and the EU in early 2012. The approval from Chinese authorities followed and the deal was completed on May 22 , 2012. The deal represented Google Inc.’s biggest challenge to Apple Inc., which was the leading player in the market of mobile phones and tablets. Economies of scale A vertical merger generally has a lower potential for economies of scale than a horizontal merger but the merger of Google and Motorola saw the achievement of economies of scale in both financial and risk bearing economies (The Economist, 2008). Technical, organizational, bulks buying as well as financial economies of scale were achieved from the merger (Thompson, 2012). Coordination improved in terms of cost fit, timing fit, size and communication fit within the business (Arnold, 2005, p.45). The merger immediately showed a success effect by increasing the market share in the world market for smartphones from 46.9% in the first quarter of 2012 to 68.1% in the last quarter of 2012. Economies of scale was achieved by getting other byproduct benefits such as the development of the next generation device for mobil e computing, extra services, for example, advertising to living rooms through Motorola'scable TV boxes which helped in boosting the staggering set top box business, in smartphone designs aimed to fulfil the government regulations and competing with Microsoft’s new release of Windows phones. The company achieved a higher output with lowering the average cost, thus increasing the profitability and ensuring lower price for the customers (Rosenbaum, 2012). Economies of vertical integration The move to buy Motorola had a positive impact on the margins. Major phone manufacturers show a trend of having slim margins (Neale, 2004). But market leaders like Apple and Samsung have been known to maintain a margin of 40-50%. Google maintained net profit margin of 25% without having to subsidize the cost of manufacture in order to attract new clients. The merger showed a 100 to 150 basis points positive impact on the profitability. The merger enabled Google Inc. to supercharge the Android e cosystem and enhanced it competitive features in the mobile computing sector. The merger also opened up new opportunities for cross licencing. Combining complementary resources One of the main motives behind the merger was Google’s intention to accelerate innovation by combining the technical resources of Motorola Mobility. Another primary reason was that Google wanted to acquire the huge number of patents that Motorola had. The acquisition of these patents was likely to give the company a high competitive strength against its
Monday, January 27, 2020
Physicological Characterization of M.VITRJS5
Physicological Characterization of M.VITRJS5 Monica Samal, Teena Patra, Suthindhiran K Abstract Magnetospirillium sp. is a Gram – negative ÃŽ ±-proteobacterium which has the ability to move towards the geomagnetic field lines of Earth’s magnetic field. The group of bacteria is collectively called Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB). MTB produce intracellular organelles called magnetosomes which help them in its search for optimal living conditions in complex environment. MTB is a gradient – requiring microorganism that are difficult to replicate in growth medium in the laboratory. In this work the physiological characterization of MTB strain Magnetospirillium sp. VITRJS5 was done as well as a modified growth medium for the growth of Magnetospirillium sp. VITRJS5 was developed. The media components are studied based on the physiological characteristics of the bacteria. The role of electron donors, electron acceptors, nitrogen sources, carbon sources, iron containing compounds, phosphates, reducing agents, on the growth of the bacteria in the MS1 media was studied. The growth of the bacteria in the novel modified MS media was analysed and compared with commercial MTB media such as MSGM (Magnetospirillum growth media) and Schuler’s oxygen – sulphur gradient media. An increase in growth is observed in the modified MS media compared to the commercially available media. 1. INTRODUCTION: Magnetotactic bacteria are fastidious microorganisms that represent a morphologically and physiologically diverse group of bacteria. The presence of intracellular, membrane bound nano-sized magnetic particles called magnetosomes assists the bacteria in sustaining an optimal position in redox gradient habitats. Magnetosomes are crystals of iron mineral which consist of either iron oxide (Fe3O4) or iron sulphide (Fe3S4). A combination of aerotaxis, magnetotaxis and chemotaxis helps MTB to move away from oxygen in surface water, thus directing them in maintaining an optimal position in and around the oxic-anoxic interface (OAI). Magnetospirillum sp. is the most studied and well understood group of bacteria among MTB. Magnetospirillum sp. was mostly isolated from fresh water habitats and many pure cultures were available in many laboratories around the world. Magnetotactic Bacteria (MTB) species have characteristic organelles called magnetosomes that contain magnetic crystals. These magnetosomes give them the ability to move in response to the earth’s magnetic field (magnetotaxis). MTB were first observed by Salvatore Bellini in the year 1963 and collected from different freshwater environments near Pavia, Italy [1,2]. The most studied species of Magnetospirillum genus are species of Ms. gryphiswaldense [5], Ms. Magneticum[7], Ms. magnetotacticum [8]. The MTB strains isolated from marine or brackish environments include: the coccoid strains: MO-1[9] , Magnetococcus marinus strain MC-1[10] and Magnetofaba australis (IT-1)[11] ; the vibrioid strain: Magnetovibrio blakemorei strain MV-1[12] and the spirilla Magnetospira thiophila (MMS-1)[13] and Magnetospira sp. strain QH-2[14] ; all of which belong to the Alphaproteobacteria. Most magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) are known to be phylogenetically similar to the Alphaproteobacteria, Gammap roteobacteria and Deltaproteobacteria classes of the Proteobacteria and the Nitrospirae phylum with response to magnetosome formation[6]. Magnetotactic bacteria are known to thrive in sediments or chemically stratified water columns, where they occur mostly at the oxic-anoxic interface (OAI), the anoxic regions of the habitat, or both [3]. Although the detection of these in samples is relatively simple [4], magnetotactic bacteria are a fastidious group of prokaryotes, and special culture conditions are necessary for their isolation and cultivation. There is clear evidence that the availability and diversity of MTB in different environments is majorly influenced by salinity and also, iron availability, temperature and concentrations of sulfur and nitrogen compounds are also seen to be clearly important in the distribution of MTB. The respiratory forms of metabolism of genus Magnetospirillum are either chemoorganoheterotropic, using organic acids and carbon source or electron donors. Mostly Magnetospirillum sp. capable of autotrophic and mixotrophic growth and utilize nitrate as alternative terminal oxygen acceptor. Magn etospirillum are obligate microaerophile that requires oxygen even when nitrate is present in the medium. The present study,examined the phylogenetic affiliations and physiological characteristics of Magnetospirillium sp. VITRJS5. To characterize physiological parameters, microaerophillic batch experiments were performed to determine the following: (1) growth pH and temperature ranges, (2) Optimum electronic donor/carbon source and electron acceptor. (3) optimum nitrogen and phosphate source (4) optimum Iron source (5) optimum reducing agent/ sulphur source. Once the preliminary screening of the compounds over different concentrations of the nutritional requirements is determined to develop a modified growth media. 2. Methods and materials: 2.1. Media and microorganism Magnetospirillum VITRJS5 (Accession number: KM289194) is a novel MTB isolated from the fresh water sediment. They are spiral in shape and move towards the earth’s magnetic field. They have polar flagellum at each end of the cell. The strain was obtained from Marine biotechnology and biomedicine lab, VIT University. The bacteria were sub-cultured in Magnetospirillum growth media (MSGM) under microaerophillic conditions Magnetospirillum VITRJS5 was initially grown in previously standardized minimal media MS1 to analyse the growth conditions in the presence of electron donors and acceptors. MS1 media per litre containing K2HPO4 – 850mg, Na2HPO4 – 850mg, NH4H2PO4 – 500mg, MgSO4 – 100mg, FeSO4 7H2O – 5mg, Na2MoO4 – 0.2mg, EDTA – 10mg and Mineral solution 10ml Electron donor and acceptor has to be added accordingly. From the earlier studies, the optimum temperature and pH for the growth of Magnetospirillum is 28 °C and 7.5 pH. 2.2 Determination of electron acceptors and concentration of selected acceptor: For this, 50 ml of MS-1 media was added in five serum bottles and 50 mg of electron donor which in this case is sodium acetate (CH3COONa) was added to each bottle. Then 50 mg of five different acceptors were added in different bottles. These five acceptors are nitrite, selenite, nitrate, thiosulphate and sulphate. Nitrogen was sparged to the media to make it anaerobic, closed with butyl rubber stopper and sealed with aluminium caps. All the anaerobic culturing was performed according to Hungate 1950[15]. The Magnetospirillum VITRJS5 was inoculated to MS1 media. These bottles were kept for overnight incubation in a shaker incubator. Now the different concentrations of selected acceptor is determined .It is done for concentration of 5mM, 10 mM , 15mM, 20 mM and 30 mM . Steps for anaerobic culture was repeated. The absorbance is checked in UV-VIS spectrophotometer at wavelength of 595 nm. 2.3. Determination of electron donors and concentration of selected donor: For this, 50 ml of MS-1 media was added in five serum bottles and 50 mg of electron acceptor which in this case is nitrate was added to each bottle. Then different donors were added in different bottles. These donors are methanol (250  µl), ethanol( 50 µl), glycerol (50 µl), pyruvate (82.5 mg/ 15mM) , citrate (221 mg/ 15mM),succinate (202.6 mg/15mM), lactate(110 µl/15mM), glucose (135.12 mg/15mM), sucrose (256.9 mg/15mM), Ferrous chloride (121.65 mg/15mM)and thiosulphate (186.1 mg/15mM).Nitrogen gas was bubbled into each bottle for anaerobic condition and sample VITRJS5 strain was inoculated in each bottle. These bottles were kept for overnight incubation in a shaker incubator. Narrowing down the number of donors based on the growth of sample. Different concentrations of selected donor are determined. Selected donors are added in different concentration of 5mM, 10mM, 15mM, 20mM and 30 mM. The steps for anaerobic culture are repeated. The absorbance is checked in UV-VIS spectr ophotometer at 595 nm. 2.4. Determination of nitrogen source for optimum growth: MS-1 Media was prepared without nitrogen source (MS-1 media without NH4H2PO4 ) and with the selected concentration of electron donor and acceptor. For this, activity of NH4H2PO4 was checked in different concentrations (5mM, 10mM, 15mM, 20mM and 30 mM) against different concentrations of NH4Cl(5mM, 10mM, 15mM, 20mM and 30 mM).The above described procedure of anaerobic growth was repeated. The absorbance was checked at a wavelength of 595 nm. 2. 5. Determination of reducing for optimum growth: MS-1 media with selected concentration of donor and acceptor was prepared. For this, activity of thiol glycolate was checked in different concentrations of 5mM, 10mM, 15mM, 20mM and 30 mM against cysteine-HCl 4% at concentrations of 50  µl , 100  µl, 150  µl, 200  µl and 500  µl. The procedure for anaerobic culture growth was repeated. The absorbance was checked at 595 nm. 2.6. Determination of iron source for optimum growth MS-1 media with selected concentration of donor and acceptor and without FeSO4 . 7H2O was prepared. For this, activity of ferrous sulphate was checked in different concentrations of 5mM, 10mM and 15mM against ferric citrate at concentrations of 0.5mM, 1.0mM and 1.5mM and against ferric quinate at concentrations of 0.5mM, 1.0mM and 1.5mM. The procedure for anaerobic culture growth was repeated. The absorbance was checked at 595 nm. 3. Result: 3.1 Electron acceptor and its concentration for optimum growth: On incubating the strain M.VITRJS5 in the MS1 media with the various electron acceptors, we obtained various results as seen in table1. From the table, we find that Nitrite, Nitrate and Selenite good electron acceptors for the strain. But we negate the role of Nitrite and Selenite as in nitrite, growth is observed after 2 weeks and selenite is considered toxic. Thus, Nitrate is considered as the most probable electron donor. Next, different concentrations of Nitrate are added to MS1 media to see which concentration of nitrate supports maximum growth (as seen in Table 2 and fig.1) Table 1. Tabular representation of growth with various electron acceptor. Table 2. Tabular representation of absorbance of different concentration of nitrate Fig.1 Graphical representation of the growth with different concentration of nitrate From the above table and fig.1, it is seen that 5mM of nitrate shows maximum growth on all three days. Thus, there is optimum growth seen in 5mM serum bottle. 3.2. Electron donor and its concentration for optimum growth On incubating the strain M.VITRJS5 in the MS1 media with the various electron donors, we obtained various results as seen in table1.From the table 3, it is seen that growth of M.VITRJS5 is more pronounced with electron donors Ethanol, Glycerol, Pyruvate, Succinate, Lactate, Glucose and Sucrose along with Acetate which was already being used as an electron donor for other MTBs. Among these, Pyruvate, Sucrose and Acetate showed almost double the growth as seen in other electron donors. But we negate Sucrose as an electron donor as it is not economical. Later, different concentrations of Nitrate are added to MS1 media to see which concentration of nitrate supports maximum growth (as seen in Table 2 and fig.1) Table3. Representation of growth with various donors Table 4. Tabular Representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of pyruvate Fig 2. Graphical representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of pyruvate As seen in the above two graphs and tables, 30mM concentration of pyruvate shows highest growth in comparison with the other concentrations of acetate and pyruvate. 3. Nitrogen source and its concentration for optimum growth: The next step is incubation of M.VITRJS5 strain in MS-1 media(without NH4H2PO4) with Ammonium chloride and Ammonium hydrogen phosphate to determine the better nitrogen source. Fig 4. Graphical representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of NH4H2PO4 As seen in figure 4, 5 and tables 6,7, it is observed that the best growth is seen in bottles of Ammonium hydrogen phosphate(NH4H2PO4) rather than that of Ammonium chloride(NH4Cl). The most consistence growth is seen in 20 mM concentration of NH4H2PO4 as compared with other concentrations. 3.4. Carbon source: Since it has already been confirmed that pyruvate acts as the best electron donor, the same can act as a carbon source. 3.5. Phosphorus source: Ammonium hydrogen phosphate acts both as a nitrogen source as well as phosphorys source. 3.6. Sulphur source: Next the M.VITRJS5 strain was incubated in prepared MS-1 media with Sodium thioglycolate and cysteine HCl 4% to determine the better sulphur source. Fig 6. Graphical representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of Sodium thioglycolate As seen in fig 6,7 and table 8,9, 50 µl concentration of Cys –HCl shows highest growth as compared to the other concentrations. There was no growth in other concentrations due to the reducing properties of Cysteine HCl and Sodium thioglycolate. MTBs are microaerophilic and hence, would not grow in anaerobic condition. Sulphur is a reducing agent and hence, would remove oxygen species from the media. Therefore, there is less or minimal growth of the bacteria. 3.7 Iron source : Table 10. Tabular representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of Ferric citrate Fig 8. Graphical representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of Ferric citrate Table 11. Tabular representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of quinate Fig 9. Graphical representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of Ferric quinate 3.8 Comparison of new media with existing media: 4. Discussion: As already mentioned above, Magnetotactic bacteria (MTBs) are microaerophilic bacteria which have the ability to biomineralise membrane-encased, single-magnetic-domain mineral crystals (magnetosomes) and hence, cause the cell to orientate along the Earth’s geomagnetic field. These mostly occur in aquatic bodies ranging from saline to freshwater environment. Our basic objective in this study was to test the growth of the microaerophilic strain using different concentrations of electron donor, electron acceptor, nitrogen source, carbon source, phosphorus source, sulphur source, iron source, etc. From the study, the following observations have been noted down: The strain M.VITRJS5 was seen to grow well in 5mM concentration of Nitrate (electron acceptor), 30mM concentration of Pyruvate (electron donor and carbon source) and 20mM concentration of Ammonium hydrogen phosphate (nitrogen source and phosphorus source). Also, the growth of the strain was seen to be minimalized in case of Sodium thioglycolate and Cysteine HCl as these are strong reducing agents and thus, would reduce the amount of oxygen species in the media. As mentioned above, these bacteria are microaerophilic and hence, would not grow in sulphur sources (except in 15mM Sodium Thioglycolate and 50 µl Cysteine HCl). The comparison of the present media for Magnetospirillum growth media (MSGM) Schà ¼ler Magnetospirillum isolation media and the new prepared media was done. The new media contained sodium nitrate as acceptor, sodium pyruvate as electron donor and carbon source, ammonium hydrogen phosphate as nitrogen and phosphorus source, ferric citrate as iron source and cysteine HCl as sulphur source. Magnetotactic bacteria has the ability to produce magnetosomes which has stimulated and motivated a new field of research involving scientific and biomedical applications of MTB and diverse commercial which could be improved using magnetic nanocrystals. But the main drawbacks to the application of magnetosomes involves the fastidious nature of MTB related to the growth. Thus,it is difficult to culture them on a large scale, and it is important to understand genetic/environmental control for magnetosome synthesis.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
What is a sample?
Whereas a population is the entire group of objects that a certain researcher is interested in; a sample is defined as the fixed number of objects you get from a certain population. For example, Amelia wants to know if red flowers attract bees more than yellow flowers. In order to prove this assumption, Amelia takes a sample of a red flower (e. g. rose) and a yellow flower (e. g. a sunflower). There are lots of flowers that are red and yellow in color. Amelia could not afford to obtain every red and yellow flower in order to prove her assumption.Thus, it is practical for her to take a â€Å"representative†from all the red flowers and a â€Å"representative†from all the yellow flowers. Taking â€Å"representatives†from the entire population, you could now call these â€Å"samples†. It is essential to remember that the fundamental assumption underlying most of the theory of sampling is random sampling. This consists of the selection of individuals from th e population in such a way that each individual of the population has an equal chance of being selected. The process of such selection is called random sampling.The aim of the theory of sampling is to get as much information as possible, ideally all the information about the population from which the sample has been drawn. From the parent population, in particular, we would like to estimate the parameters of the population or specify the limits or ranges within which the population parameters are expected to lie with a specified degree of confidence. At work, we use sampling to prove or test something. For example, you want to determine if the new time management scheme will be beneficial to cut the costs on your company.So, as a manager, you could take some employees to undergo this new time management scheme in order to see if the new process is suitable for both the company and the employees. 2. What are the differences between the binomial and normal distributions? What are the similarities between the binomial and normal distributions? The normal distribution is the most commonly encountered distribution range in science. Random variables in normal distribution should be capable of assuming any value on the real number line, though this requirement is often not applied.For example, height at a given age for a given gender in a given racial group is adequately described by a normal random variable even though heights must be positive. A continuous random variable X, taking all real values in the range. The graph of variables with normal distribution is a symmetrical, bell-shaped curve, centered at its expected mean value. Typically, a binomial random variable is the number of successions in a series of trials in binomial distributions.For example, the number of ‘heads' occurring when a coin is tossed 50 times; thus a discrete random variable X is said to follow a binomial distribution with parameters n and p. However, the probability trials must meet the following requirements: a. the total number of trials is fixed in advance; b. there are just two outcomes of each trial; success and failure; c. the outcomes of all the trials are statistically independent; d. all the trials have the same probability of success. The similarity of normal and binomial distributions rely on the use of random variables as part of the data and their values could be both positive and negative.3. What do confidence intervals represent? Give an example of the use of a confidence interval. Before a simple research question could be resolved like, for instance, â€Å"What is the mean number of flowers that one person can remember? †it is necessary to specify the population of people to which this question will be addressed. The researcher could be interested in, for example, children under the age of 12 and girls. For the present example, assume the researcher is interested in all girls aged 9. Once the population is specified, the next step is t o take a random sample from it.In this example, let's say that a sample of 10 girls is drawn and each student's memory tested. The way to estimate the mean of all girls would be to compute the mean of the 10 girls in the sample. Indeed, the sample mean is an unbiased estimate of ? , the population mean. However, it will certainly not be a perfect estimate. By chance it is bound to be at least either a little bit too high or a little bit too low. For the estimate of ? to be of value, one must have some idea of how precise it is. That is, how close to ? is the estimate likely to be?So we use the confidence intervals to determine how close would be the unbiased estimate we have in our sample to the values that is indicated in the population mean. If the number of flowers that the 10 girls remembered were: 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 then the estimated value of ? would be 5. 9 and the 95% confidence interval would range from 4. 71 to 7. 09. The wider the interval, the more confident yo u are that it contains the parameter you are interested in. The 99% confidence interval is therefore wider than the 95% confidence interval and extends from 4. 19 to 7. 61.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Between Realism and Idealism
A great deal of conflict in the social life of individual people has been brought about by the existence of these concepts raising some questions of importance. Should an individual aim so high to an extent that is impossible to reach or aim average that is achievable?Should the individual assume on optimistic stand or a pessimistic one? Should the individual be good to others or fair to them? The existence of the various branches with regard to these categories proves that idealism or realism is never right with respect to all the branches.The issue of idealism and realism as a debate addresses the issues of whether an individual’s life as well as actions should be good as has been offered by the dogma of the Christians way of life. The issue of whether the individual should possess a caring sense as well as be fair with regard to the daily life is a determinant of whether the individual is living in a realistic or in an idealistic way of life.As for example, the issue of whe ther an individual an individual should drink or not depends on the stand the individual has taken with regard to the two extremes. It is evident that a person can drink and do no evil to the others while another person who does not drink at all may cause harm of significantly high magnitude to the life of others.It is a clear fact that each individual person is potentially capable for being good internally. In a realistic sense however some people are so static with regard to matters of change. As pertains the issue of whether the individual should drink or not, the goodness or the fairness of this will highly depend on the stand that the individual has taken.It is a possibility that one individual drinks and commits no harm to others while another person refraining from the activity may be of great trouble to other people. Furthermore the Christian Bible does not condemn drinking as an activity, but drunkardness as the effect of the activity (Tomuschat 83).As a clear guide as to t he best stand to take in life, a conservative approach to life is the most noble approach whereby the actions of the individual are determined by the need to be fair, obey the rule of justice as well as equality in a real life situation. It is good to make all the people get what is right for them, treating everybody in the same way and judging everybody the actions responsible for the person.The decision by the individual to arrange for a Sunday trip will also depend on the stand that the individual has taken since the trip may exhibit different motives. A trip that is meant for good as well as for the service of others is justified even at the context of the bible (Tomuschat 113).The contrasting belief is for people to live in a life of goodness, mercy as well as equality bearing in mind that every person bears intelligence which is a guide towards the actions taken, all of which are backed by some reason.The capacity for understanding is a clear lead to goodness. A fair treatment to all the people is important sign if the individual underwent a bad life in the childhood or is subjected to unconducive circumstances that fall beyond the control of the individual is a result of poverty wages, there occur a requirement for compensation so that everyone enjoys life in an equal capacity. The negligence of other people is responsible for the actions of others in the light of the considerations of the fallibility of people. Human beings are prone to making mistakes and this is so natural.A good person may be apprehended and aligned in the court of law for having committed a mistake. In the light of this argument, the possession of a Christian wife or otherwise similarly depends on the stand of the individual wife in as far as the two extremes of realism and idealism are concerned. The Christian wife is supposed to be a model for idealism, a stand which if defeated by realism, which bears potent influence to the behavior as well as the action of human, is equivalent with having a wife who is not a Christian (Tomuschat 213).ConclusionIn the consideration of the argument between justice and goodness, non is comparable to what God is in a position to handle which is usually in a perfect way and being neither rebel nor conservative and offering a question less situation as regards the correct balance in existence between the boundaries of justice on one side and grace on the other.In the case of the human being, who posses the characteristics of inferiority with respect to several aspects they can only grasp these concepts independently and one at every opportune time thus facilitating into parties of different orientations. It therefore important for an individual to lead a life of self awareness, that is instrumental towards the discovery of the stand of the individual with respect to idealism or realism.Work citedChristian, Tomuschat, Between Idealism & Realism. 2nd ed. USA: Oxford UniversityPress, 2004.Â
Friday, January 3, 2020
Symbolism â€Rendering the Hidden Meaning of the Story
Symbolism –Rendering The Hidden Meaning of The Story Symbolism is an important element in reinforcing the meaning of a story. It is a kind of formalist strategies which helps the reader understand the images that the author is trying to say in words. Symbolism is widely used in â€Å"The Story of An Hour†and â€Å"The Cranes†, which use conventional symbols, literary symbols, and even allegory. â€Å"The Story of An Hour†is written by Kate Chopin. Mrs. Mallard hears of her husband’s death from her husband’s friend Richards. At first, she feels depressed, but then she feels free and can have her own new life after thinking things through. Sadly, her â€Å"new†life is cut short by the abrupt return of Mr. Mallard. Mrs. Mallard, who has a bad heart, was so†¦show more content†¦The couple is symbolized as crane but they commit suicide to end their dreadful life suffering from their sickness. The author uses the water and hull of car as symbols in the story. â€Å"the water looked like metal, still and hard.†(Meinke, 259) and â€Å"The hull of the car gleamed beetle-like –dull and somehow sinister in its metallic isolation.†(Meinke, 260) shows the symbolization by describing the water and hull of the car. Both of the descriptions are related to the gun that the couple uses for committing suicide. They are hard, metallic like, and callous which is just like the gun. These also symbolize the grim tone in the story. It is stillness because the couple is going to commit suicide. The final symbol in the story is the direction that the cranes fly to. â€Å"†¦their great wings beating the air and their long slender necks pointed like arrows toward the sun.†(Meinke, 260) After the couple kiss and close the eyes, the cranes fly toward the sun. This is a symbol of western paradise of ultimate bliss, which means they kill themselves by shooting the gun to end their lives. 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